How time flies so fast, I was just reminding myself about the posts my husband and I made when our baby was born last year, from her birth story, we wrote the post celebrating last year’s thanksgiving to her first outdoor adventure and to her most unforgettable pictorials or photoshoots. And now our baby Mia is now a toddler, just wow what a wonderful year had it been! On September 19’ 2018, Mia celebrated her first birthday, she was officially ONE year old! It’s time to reflect on Mia’s first year, time to look back on each of her milestones and reminisce those memories of her youngest year.
Watch Mia’s first year journey in this video!
Baby Mia’s Monthly Journey to First Year of Life
“For this Child we prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of our Hearts” 1 Samuel 1:27
September 2017:
After 14 hours of labor, through a normal delivery, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl, named Baby Mia Paris. She was a small baby like a preemie, weighing only 5 lbs and 6 oz. She got big eyes and a very thick hair, curly like her Pappi.
Mia’s first day at home was when she was 3 days old. Auntie’s got her welcome banner and a balloon! The day after being at home was her first appointment with her pediatrician followed by laboratory appointments after she was diagnosed with infant jaundice. Although it was a tough beginning for Mia, we had to do photo-therapy for a day in the hospital. After then, the Dr. advised us to see a cardiologist since she noticed an unusual sound in Mia’s heartbeat. But all went well, after all the clinic appointments, Mia got all cleared! Thank God for after all, she is a healthy baby!
Mia, one week old, weighed 6 lbs. & 2.5 oz.. By this time her belly button started to fell off, yay such a special day!
“A moment in my Tummy, a Lifetime in Our Hearts”
October 2017:
The first month was the most critical yet the most exciting month for all of us even for Baby Mia too. There were a lot of new exciting experiences of our baby that made our days so special, indeed all of it were always unforgettable. Finally, Mia’s official birth certificate was released 2 weeks after birth. First nurse home visit, first bath tub arrived, first full bath, first outdoor adventure: first visit to the park: Lake Temescal, Oakland, first sleepover with grandparents, first stroller and carrier arrived and celebrated Mia’s 1st Month birthday! She got her birthday cupcakes made especially by Auntie and got some presents from relatives too!
At the end of this month, Mia grew 2 lbs more and she weighed 8 lbs and an ounce!
“All of God’s grace in one tiny face!”
November 2017:
First Halloween! Mia got her first pumpkin this month! No trick or treating yet but Mia really enjoyed the following occasion, Thanksgiving! Mia’s first thanksgiving was such a joyful celebration with family and relatives. One of kind celebration for we have a lot of things to be thankful for this year, above all those things was the biggest blessing we received and that’s having Mia in our lives. After the night of thanksgiving, everyone in the family packed up for another adventure and Mia visited Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and strolled in the beautiful scenery of Sawyer Camp Trail.
Final weight of baby this month was 8 lbs and 9 oz. Growing and growing each single day!
“You have to hold her up to see the angel on the Christmas tree
And even though she’s still too small to know the meaning of it all,
You watch her eyes reflect the glow of colored lights that come and go.
And feel her quiver with delight at every new and wondrous sight.
There’s Santa with his jolly face, beaming from the fireplace
And from the stocking hanging there, peeks a cuddly teddy bear!
She points and grins from ear to ear and then she yawns her bedtime near
Dad gives her a kiss and you tuck her away
to rest up for the fun of her first Christmas Day!”
December 2017:
First stroll to Uncle’s school to pick him up after class, second monthly appointment with pedia and vaccinations due this month. Celebrated baby’s 3rd Month Birthday and Mia met Santa for the first time! Baby got her first DIY dresser, customized paint and waxed by Mommy and Pappi.
Mia’s First Christmas! A sweet special moment for us all. With all the decors we have in our home, the christmas lights and the christmas tree, with family and friends, we had the merriest Christmas celebration this year.
Our sweet dearie grew into a 10 lbs and 9 oz baby, 22.5 inches by height!
“No joys on Earth bring greater pleasure than a little girl to love and treasure!”
January 2018:
First New Year!
Four months old Mia can now play with toys, can roll on her side, does some screaming, shouting, giggles and laugh, started to kick and can move her legs way up high! First visit to the zoo, a lot of fun at Oakland Zoo! Also first visit to the beach in Alameda, CA.
Mia received her first toy, it was a cute red rattle. She stared long at it, wondered and cooed when the rattle made the sound.
Our little bundle of joy in four months old already weighed 11 lbs and 14.5 oz. She grew 23.5 inches by height at the end of this month!
(Anak- tagalog term for child)
Pappi: Mia please go to sleep.
Mia: What do you mean Pappi? Am I supposed to sleep all night long? Oh ohw!
Mommy: Mia, what are you doing?
Mia: I have a surprise for you mommy!
Mommy: Really sweetie? Let me see!
Mia: Tadaaa, it’s a poop!
February 2018:
Celebrated Mia’s 5th month old birthday! Such an important month since on this month, Mia was officially registered to the consulate of Philippines, Mommy and Pappi responsibly registered baby to become a Filipino! Mia’s first photo i.d was also taken on this month, super cute blushing cheeks in her tiny youngest face. She will for sure be surprised in the future when she sees how adorable she was in her first photo i.d, mommy just can’t wait!
First Valentines! Mia received a special flowers from Pappi, it came with a small balloon that says “I love you”.
Mia had gained 2 more pounds this month, she was 13 lbs and 25 inches tall.
“Mia, let us love you so much more before you’re not little anymore.”
March 2018:
It was time for baby to eat solid food. She took her first bite on a small biscuit and divulged herself with rice cereal. Mia also took her first sip of water on her first sippy cup. On the second week of this month, Mia got her pink walker. Although she was small and young, she tried to stretch her legs and reach the floor.
At six months, Mia grew 24 inches by height and weighed 13 lbs and 10.5 oz.
Mia’s Baptism a day before her first birthday!
To our beloved Mia,
You are greatly loved and we are so blessed to have you in our lives. You brought us joy and showered us with love everyday, we thank God for blessing our family an angel like you. This past year, we have learned a lot from you, our journey to parenthood started when you came. You have taught us the essence of being a parent, you are worthy of everything. The beginning of life is tough but you have conquered it all, now you are one year old!
There are a lot more to explore and discover in this life, the world may be scary but we will always be here to be your biggest support. Always remember that Mommy and Pappi are behind your back, be kind and humble yet brave and courageous, the world awaits for you.
We love you beyond measure and you will always be Mommy’s sweetest treasure!
And so all the successive months just went through in a blink of an eye, it was full of joy, excitement, wonders, learning’s, and unforgettable memories. Mia is learning fast everyday and soon she will learn to be an independent young lady. For now, we will savor each moment of her youngest years and the memories of her innocence. We are one proud parents that we have this sweet little girl in our lives, so loving, so sweet and so curious of the big world ahead of her.
Congratulations on your first birthday (and beyond), Mia! And such a lovely reflection on that precious first year, Mama!
She is adorable. There are so many fun photos of her, and what an awesome way to remember her first year.
That first year just goes so quickly. It is one of my favorite times that I had with my children. Everyday is something new.
They grow up so very fast don’t they?
What a beautiful way to capture her 1st year! Well done mama