Turning Back the Pages of Life Greatest Memories Last Year
With lots of graces and excitement, year 2017 has been a journey of unforgettable memories. I have made big decisions,...
Believe in Yourself, make things possible. Follow my journey.
With lots of graces and excitement, year 2017 has been a journey of unforgettable memories. I have made big decisions,...
A Milestone of New Beginning Marriage is the base ground or the strong foundation of our commitment to the love...
By the kitchen window stands a cylinder shaped speaker, we have had it since 2014. I have to be...
At dawn, the sun rose and I heard a knock on my bedroom door. It was mom reminding me that...
We never thought of getting a pet before. A few months ago, our life was quite hectic; we were always busy...
It’s summer, the sky has cleared announcing yet again another California season. By now flowers have settled into their usual...
In the middle of a street, a quiet street you’ll find a small white and green painted trim house. In...
Being in a relationship with someone who’s oceans and continents away from you is a very tough love fairytale. The...
First Life Experience in California My life has been kind of ironic in a way because I never thought that...
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