Happy Easter!
Since it’s spring, it’s Easter season again which means Easter bunnies are out in the garden and time for egg hunting as well!
Today we are celebrating Easter Sunday, the most important day in Christian spring celebration, wherein Jesus Christ has resurrected from the dead three days after he was crucified. In Christian belief, the egg symbolizes the resurrection of Christ while egg hunting symbolizes the hunt of Jesus from the tomb. This I believe is the beginning of the tradition among Christian families every Easter Sunday.
It’s a fun tradition that I started to do with my small family, to join a group or a small community for egg hunting. This year, we went to join the Golden Goal Soccer Club for their 5th Annual Easter Celebration in Blue Rock Springs Park here in Vallejo. This year’s egg hunt was more fun and more exciting for us, especially for my daughter since she was able to walk and run around with the other kids to pick up eggs and also join in some kiddie games.
We arrived in the park before noon. When we got there, people were already chatting in benches and some were preparing the food. We laid our blanket in the grass and made ourselves comfortable while waiting for the food.
It was windy but a perfect sunny day. Indeed, it was a busy day for the park, there were many people gathered in groups, some were birthday parties and some were big families having picnics. And there were also other groups who were Egg hunting.
As we were waiting for lunch, we got some cupcakes and juice that were served on the table for snack.
While waiting for the hotdogs and hamburgers to get ready, Mia chose to walk around with her basket and looked anywhere for eggs or bunnies.
The Egg Hunter
Our sweet dearie looking for the Easter bunny and getting ready to hunt for eggs! Yay!
So sunny that she needed to wear sunglasses to look for the Easter bunny.
“Now where is that Easter bunny? Hmmm, I must find him now that I can clearly see!” -Mia
Before the actual egg hunting, an Easter bunny mascot arrived to entertain the kids. Everyone got excited, run towards the bunny and gathered around to take photographs.
“There you are! I found you Easter bunny! High five!
For everyone to get photos with the bunny, we all lined up and waited for our turns. Mia for the first time saw an Easter bunny and she was not scared at all. She was so delighted and was so happy to have seen one!
A series of fun activities were greatly enjoyed after eating lunch. Each games was divided among toddlers, kids and adults. And prices such as colored eggs with candies were given to the ones who won the game.
1. Sack Hop

2. Water Balloon

3. Raffle

3. Egg Hunting

It looks like you had a great Easter. These photos look fun. It’s always exciting to do an Easter egg hunt.
I am excited to do an egg hunt next year with my grandbaby. My boys had fun this year collecting eggs at our church egg hunt
This looks like tons of fun, i love Easter. And your daughter looks like she is having the time of her life.
I’ve never done Easter egg hunt before but it looks so fun! Looks like you had a great time as well.
What a great time! I didn’t know that was why we hunt for Easter eggs. I’ll have to remember to tell my kids that next year.
Egg hunts are so much fun. The kids love it so much! I like doing an adult difficulty egg hunt myself!
This is one of the most fun and exciting activities I’ve tried. Perfect with kids and also adults. I absolutely love this!
You guys look like you had an absolutely amazing Easter. Thanks for sharing with us.
It seems that you have had a great time with family on Easter. I was in wales on the Easter holidays but I would love if I saw your easter bunny there.
I love Resurrection Sunday! It looks like you had a lot of fun with your family.
These pictures are absolutely adorable! It seems like a really fun event. I remember going egg hunting when I was a child and it was soo much fun. Family activities are the best!
Candace Hampton
Through the photos, it is clear you guys have really enjoyed it. You little daughter looks cute baby.
Such an adorable baby going on an egg hunt! Your Easter must have been full of energy! The games were too good…I miss sack racing and also, water balloons.
That looks like you had a great time with your little one 😊… We had some good time our little one first egg hunt too ❤️
Easter is always a nice traditional holiday for our family. we usually celebrate with our family one day and with friends and extended family the next. It’s filled with fun games for the kids and even adults so I usually look forward to a great time on Easter Sunday.
Xo Andie